"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Our Adventure

If you're reading this, then you probably already know that Matt and I have decided to quit our jobs and travel full-time for awhile! So this is where I'm going to attempt to document our adventures; I've never blogged before so this will be a learning experience all by itself. I know I'll have at least one avid reader (hi, mom!)- so I'll try to make it entertaining. :)

Our official last day of work is Feb. 2nd and then we'll spend a few weeks seeing our families and getting things together before we take off on Feb 14th. Here's the itinerary so far:

2/14 - 3/3 New Zealand
3/3 - 3/23 Australia. Probably Melbourne and Sydney areas
3/23 - 3/28 New Caledonia
3/28 - 4/17 Japan. Tokyo to Fukuoka
4/17 - 4/24 Singapore
4/24 - 5/18 South Africa. Cape Town to Victoria Falls
5/18 - 5/20 Dubai
5/20 - 5/25 Cairo, Egypt
5/25 - 5/29 Athens, Greece
5/29 - 6/21 Finland, Sweden, and Norway
6/21 - 6/30 Iceland
6/30 back to Chicago

Once we get back to the states we plan to do some road tripping around the country. We don't have it planned out yet but I'll keep you posted on that.

So yeah! That's the plan and we'll see how it goes. If you have any tips/advice/words of wisdom please feel free to share! And if you're looking to do some traveling and want to hook up with us at some point then let us know!

There should (if I set it up right) be an interactive map at the bottom of the blog. It has our route on it and if you click on the locations it will tell you the dates we will be there.

Also, if you want to follow along with us you can subscribe to get emails when I post. You just have to put your email in the "follow by email" prompt, either to the right or at the bottom of the blog. It will prompt you to verify you're a human, then you'll need to activate it by clicking on the link it sends to your email. That should be it!


  1. I'm following and so excited to share your story!! Have fun and for goodness sake be safe!! Love you!!

    1. Thanks Lisa! And thanks for taking care of my mom while I'm gone. :) I'll owe you a few beverages when I return.

  2. How fantastic!!! Been to all but Tokyo. Main advice: always together and for some of those locations full cover like scarf and long sleeves pants. 95% of people will be great. Focus on them.

    **most important register you can even pre register with your agenda at the US Embassy at each place.

    1. Thanks Betty! That's great advice and we will definitely follow it.

  3. Nothing is better than traveling...what a way to learn. Mark and I lived 2.5 years in a fifth wheel exploring the US. Best time of our lives. Have done some Europe but looking forward to seeing more of this world. I look forward to following your adventures. ENJOY!!
