"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

On the Road Again- Cleveland Adventures

Hello, I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend!

We made it to Cleveland Saturday night after the Norte Dame game and spent the next two days exploring the city with our friend, Jeff. We all stayed at his parents' house there and they were fantastic hosts. We really enjoyed chatting with them. It was also like being home because they made us all yummy meals and we much appreciated that!

Sunday we went downtown to see Cleveland's annual Airshow. Neither Matt or I had ever been to an airshow before and it was really cool! The planes did all sorts of crazy things like spiraling upwards and stall the engine then accelerate down and pulled up at the last minute! And the last performance was the Thunderbirds and they did all kinds of crazy formations flying together.  We also saw an F-18, several WWII planes, a huge plane nicknamed "Hercules", among others.  I have more videos in the album linked on the right.


After spending a few hours at the airshow Jeff gave us a quick walking tour of downtown. Then we met up with some of his friends and tried out a couple of the bars in the area and played some shuffleboard. We went back home for dinner with Jeff's parents and then we went back downtown with his friends for a few hours. We had a big night out and enjoyed seeing some Cleveland bars.

We got a slow start on Monday. After breakfast we took the family dog, Abby, to the park for a walk since the weather was beautiful. Then we spent the rest of the day visiting with Jeff's friends and family, who welcomed us into their home with a big Italian feast (yay!). In the evening Jeff had to catch his flight back to Madison. We were exhausted so instead of hitting the road we decided to stay one more night with his parents.

We had a great time in Cleveland and look forward to going back someday. Then today we hit the road right after breakfast and drove the 7+ hours to NYC! Hello, Big Apple! Stay tuned!

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