"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Monday, May 1, 2017


Hey all! I didn't forget about you but there's not much to report from the last few days. Yesterday was cold and rainy so we mostly stayed in and planned for Greece and Dubai. And we bought some flights for my mom to come visit us when we're in Norway!! Yay! Today we checked out of our wonderful Cape Town airbnb and drove south west towards George, where we're staying the night. It was about a four and a half hour drive but nothing eventful to report. We were planning to do some horse riding at a place near here called Adventure Horse Safari, but they cancelled last minute because of the impending rain threat.

So instead we went and got some food and then went to check out Victoria Bay beach, where we watched some surfers attempt to catch some waves.  Here's a picture of the beach:

We checked into our airbnb for the night which is a room in a really beautiful house. Our hosts are very friendly and we chatted with them for a bit about our trip thus far. Tomorrow we start the Garden Route drive along the coast to Port Elizabeth. 

I've heard from a few people that they are struggling to find the photo album with all of the pictures so I thought I'd explain that quickly and hopefully clear that up. 
  • If you're viewing the blog from a computer (and not a tablet or mobile device), then it should just be at the top of the right tool bar. I'm currently adding daily photos to the one titled "Southern Africa". 
  • If you're viewing the blog from a tablet or mobile device then it's a bit more difficult to find. First you'll need to scroll all the way down and find the link that says "View web version", which should be right above the "about me" section. Once it switches to the web version then you should be able to find it via the instructions in the previous bullet.


  1. I just told Ty about your diving adventure with sharks. Let's just say, he's not too happy with you guys right now. First thing he asked, did they get bit?!
    Keep having fun and stay safe! love you!

    1. Haha poor Ty. Tell him they were nice sharks! They really weren't that interested in us, other than to maybe ask "What are those crazy creatures doing in a cage?!" Love you guys!
