"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

We made it to Africa!

After a full day, then 8-hour flight, 2.5-hour layover, and 9.5-hour flight we finally made it to South Africa! No flight issues, thankfully, but we got to spend some quality time in a couple of lounges. Free food and free drinks are always a bonus. Just another plug, if you're going to be doing a lot of travel the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card is totally worth it. In addition to a ton of other benefits, it also gets you into a ton of airport lounges worldwide for free.

We flew Qatar Airways today which was really nice. They have new fancy planes and lots of in-flight entertainment options. I hardly slept since I was so excited to watch all the movies. I can't even tell you how many movies I watched; I lost count. I was right in the middle of the super sad part of Me before You with tears streaming down my face when the smell of a stranger's fart abruptly snapped me back to reality. Ugh. 

They also served good food. Although I didn't get to experience much of it because I'm too clever for my own good. I had put my food preference on their website as "fresh fruit". This was really exciting the first meal they served; the fruit was delicious and looked far superior to the other options. But it wasn't so exciting when I got the same fruit tray for the second meal, or the third... or the fourth. I like fruit but I really needed something different at that point. Live and learn, my friends.

Anyways, we landed in Cape Town and successfully navigated our way through customs and got a taxi to our airbnb. Here are a few pictures I took from the flight; it was really beautiful flying in and seeing the mountains. The last one is a good shot of Table Mountain.

We're staying in our own apartment this time and it's really nice. It's in a good area within walking distance to Long Street, which has lots of restaurants. I have some pictures of the apartment in the album. The hostess met us when we checked in and she was very friendly as well.

I was very hangry for something other than fruit so we walked to Long Street and got the first food we saw: pizza. It was good and cheap, so that's nice. Then, to keep us from going back to the apartment and sleeping the day away, instead we wandered up and down Long Street to check out what's there. Found several good restuarants that we might try in the coming days. We also stumbled upon a small market on a cobblestone area and we wandered through there for awhile. I really love the African style sculptures and paintings; I may try to decorate a room (or several) like that in the future.

We stopped at a grocery store on the way home and stocked up on provisions for a few days since we have a full kitchen to ourselves. Then we stayed in for a quiet night. I've been just trying to keep myself awake until it's a reasonable time to go to bed. It's almost 7pm here now and I think I'm about to call it a (very long) day.

I'm slowly working on my Singapore overview page so stay tuned for that!

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