"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wineglass Bay... almost

Not a ton to write about today since we spent most of the day driving. It was a rainy morning and we knew we had to drive back to Hobart today but we weren't quite sure what else to do. So we decided on a whim to take the long way back and stop at Wineglass Bay. Not our best idea...

After our free breakfast we checked out of our airbnb and drove the three hours to Wineglass Bay. It was looking promising since it had actually stopped raining despite the dreary forecast. But once we got there we realized that you can't actually drive directly to Wineglass Bay, you have to park and walk there, which it's about a 1.5 hour return walk. We didn't have that much time since we had to return our rental car in Hobart before six, so unfortunately we just had to skip it.

We grabbed some lunch in Cole's Bay with the view of the water. We split the fish and chips platter.

Then we continued our drive back down to Hobart. We successfully returned our rental car and then Ubered to our airbnb. Wow! This is the nicest place we've stayed so far. It's a beautiful house up on a hill overlooking the bay. Both the house and the view are stunning. I'm almost sad that we're only staying here one night.

We decided to just walk to the closest restaurant since we didn't have a car and we ended up at a hotel bistro. It was a bit pricey and I wasn't that hungry so I had a dessert for dinner. Because I'm an adult and I can! Matt had the scallops.

Early flight tomorrow to Cairns!

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