"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Odyssey Part 2: USA Road Trip

Hey everyone! So far being back in the states has been a whirlwind. We've had lots to do and lots of people to see.

I wanted to give y'all an idea of our plans for the next few months even though we don't yet have it all mapped out. Most of our plans are pretty flexible both with the route we're taking and also the dates, but we have a few definitive stops to outline the trip.

Here's our general route-

Part A:

Part B:

Some dates to give an idea of where we'll be when:

6/8: San Francisco for a wedding
8/11-8/20ish: Coffeyville KS for Fair & Rodeo
9/9: Culpepper, Virginia for a wedding
10/22: Moseley, Virginia for a wedding

Everything else is pretty flexible! So if you have any recommendations or if we'll be passing near you and want to meet up with us please let me know! I plan to keep updating the blog periodically with our US adventures, but I don't think it will be quite as frequent since we will be doing a lot of camping and won't have wifi. 

Some observations I've had since being back:
  • Darkness at night is amazing. It makes it so much easier to sleep.
  • My laptop seems ridiculously huge after using the iPad this whole time
  • Finding all my clothes and things has been like Christmas. It seems like all new stuff!
  • On the flip side of that- seeing all of my things is incredibly overwhelming. After living out of a carry-on size suitcase for 5 months I have no idea what to do with all of my clothes. I clearly have way too many clothes and too much stuff in general. I think when I get back home it's going to be time to trim the fat!
I posted my summary for our international adventure here. Please check it out and let me know what you think!

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