"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Back in time - Renaissance and Swords in Stone

Happy Father's Day, everyone! Especially to my wonderful dad who I miss a lot!

We started off our day with a brisk hike. We attempted to do the Dalsnuten trail but it wasn't exactly what we expected. It was a bit difficult to find the start of the trail as it was through a fence and a field of grazing sheep who looked at us curiously. Then it was mostly following the power lines up the gradual hill. But since it's been rainy here recently the trail was very slick and muddy. Most of it was crawling over and hopping between big rocks which is especially challenging when they are wet. After about 45 min we finally turned around when the trail became too muddy and we didn't want to get our shoes more wet than they already were. So we didn't make it to the top, which we read had great views, but we appreciated the exercise and then headed back down. 

We came back home for lunch and relaxed a bit before heading back out again. We first went to a site called Swords in Rock (Sverd i fjell) which is a monument of 3 bronze swords 10 meters tall and planted into the rock right next to the fjord. The monument is to commemorate the historic Battle of Hafrsfjord which occurred there in 872 and gathered all of Norway under one ruler. It was kinda interesting and it reminded me of Sword in the Stone. But we only stayed there long enough to snap a few pictures. 

Before we left we noticed there was something going on with a lot of tents and people along the water near the monument so we decided to go check it out. It turned out to be some sort of Renaissance festival. We walked around the tents which made it clear that they had been sleeping out there at least for a few days so we're not sure how long it has been going on. Most people were wearing the traditional renaissance clothing and there was the traditional food being served. They also had lots of stuff for sale: jewelry, bows and arrows, hatchets, clothes, sheepskins, etc. It was really fun to just walk around and people watch. We even saw a group of teenagers playing some sort of game where they would each take turns throwing a knife into the ground near the feet of the others! We were a bit nervous watching that!

After that we drove to Stavenger and walked along Øvre Holmegate which is a very colorful street as all of the buildings have been painted in bright colors. There are several unique shops and restuarants along the street so wee stopped at a cafe and each got a beer for us to enjoy while we sat on the sunny patio. 

That's all for today!

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