"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Market Sunday

Today was a rather lazy Sunday for us. We slept in a bit and then went to the market right next to where we are staying. It only happens once a month and it was such a lovely day so it was rather busy. We met some fellow Epic employees there that Matt knew and that was really fun. We just wandered around for awhile and sampled some interesting things. The guys got some sausages. I sampled the traditional one that was served with lingonberry jam which was interesting. We bought some salty licorice which I was a bit leary about since I don't like black licorice but it was surprisingly good. We couldn't read the flavors so we just picked one and found out after the fact that it was sour strawberry.

For lunch we actually got some BBQ. Our Epic friends highly recommended the BBQ stand there and they can only get it once a month at the market so we splurged a bit and got some good BBQ. I had the pulled pork sandwich which was deliciously messy and Matt had the ribs. Then we walked through all the aisles and checked out all of the knickknacks. It was a lovely day to walk around. 

After the market we walked to a really cool place called The Flying Dutch which was a bar on a boat. We got some drinks and soaked up the sun for awhile. After a couple of drinks we all went our separate ways. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and planning.

I only took these two pictures today. Salty licorice:

A rose we bought at the market for only 1 euro!

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