"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Fantasy Forest and Pulpit Rock

Another big day today! Our airbnb host is a farmer so he left us with some farm fresh eggs which we scrambled for breakfast with some bacon. Then we packed up and hit the road.

Our first stop was called Eventyrskogen. It was a small hike which took less than an hour and it was set in the forest. It was really unique because they have a ton of troll statues and other similar things set throughout the hike so it's really good for small kids. It also happens to be a great place for Pokemon-Go, which is why I was excited about it. I caught some Pokémon I'd never seen before! It was also just super pretty in there under the trees with the bright green moss everywhere. It was very unique.

After a quick lunch we started our trek to Pulpit Rock (aka Preikestolen). It's said to be a 4-hour return hike but we did it in just over 3 hours (wohoo!). It only had an ending elevation of 350 meters which isn't that bad but there were lots of ups and downs over the ridges so that number is slightly misleading. There were 3 main areas with a lot of steep climbing but most of it was relatively flat and easy so that was nice. The hike was well worth it! At the top is just a huge plateau with a vertical cliff going straight down 604 meters into Lysefjorden. It was absolutely beautiful looking out over the valley and the fjord.

Then we made it to Sandnes where we're staying in a really nice apartment for the next two nights. We made tacos and guac for dinner tonight and now we're just settled in!

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