"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Rainy Waterfalls

Today was a bit of a slower day for us. We slept in and then checked out of our hostel. When we left the weather was deceptively clear and beautiful. But about 30 minutes into our drive it clouded up and then started raining, and proceeded to rain the rest of the day until we gave up and went to our next hostel. Then it cleared up again, of course.

We tried though. We drove first to Seljalandsfoss waterfall. It's a gorgeous waterfall and one of the unique things is that visitor's can walk behind it in a small cave. We opted not to do that today since we didn't want to get soaked at the beginning of our day. Instead we plan to go back when we're more prepared since it's only 20 min from where we are staying.

We were driving along and saw this building built right into the side of this huge rock! Pretty interesting.

Next we went to another waterfall, Skógafoss. This is one of the biggest waterfalls in the country and you can often see a single or double rainbow there on sunny days. But unfortunately, today was not one of those days. You can also hike up to the top of the waterfall but we decided not to do that either since it was raining pretty hard.

There were several other things we had planned for today but nixed due to the weather. So instead we drove down to a town called Vik to check that out and get some lunch and hopefully wait out the weather. We did find a nice place called Halldorskaffi to eat lunch and got some great garlic pizza, but the weather did not change during our meal. We were very close to one of the famous black sand beaches though, Reynisdrangar. Several years ago it was ranked one of the ten most beautiful non-tropical beaches in the world. It was pretty impressive looking, but again we only stayed out long enough to snap a picture and then we dove back into the car to avoid getting soaked.

So then we drove back to our hostel feeling a bit defeated. Our hostel is located on a beautiful remote farm. We're actually staying just a few minutes from the famous volcano, Eyjafjallajökull (trying saying that!)! It's the volcano that erupted in 2010 and released so much ash that it prevented flights in Europe for 6 days. We got settled in and then got some groceries for the next few days. 

That's all for today! Tomorrow we get to walk on a glacier!

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