"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Monday, June 19, 2017

Sandnes to Grimstad - Hikes, caves, and forts

We checked out of our airbnb in Sandnes today and headed to Grimstad. This took us along the southern coast of Norway and some more gorgeous scenery.

Our first stop was to hike a trail known as Skrelia. It was beautiful seeing the smooth mountains (as opposed to more jagged like we've been seeing) going into the fjord below. Towards the beginning of the hike there was a tame waterfall just lazily making it's way down the polished mountain side down into the fjord. It looked like you could ride down it like a water slide! There were lots of paths to take which curve around the mountains, fjord, and small little lakes. We followed a trail marked with light blue paint for awhile until we lost it so we just followed it back. It was mostly easy walking over the smooth even rocks.

Then we found a place to eat a quick lunch before continuing on to a viewpoint known as Torjusheigata (there were other names for it as well). We had to climb up lots of steps but the view at the top was pretty spectacular, looking out over the town and into the water where there were lots of boats parked. There was also a cave up towards the top which we explored briefly. It was kinda scary!

We stopped briefly at Møvik Fort which was a fortress built in WWII by the Germans, but we didn't want to pay to enter so we just walked around for a bit. We did get a glimpse of a huge cannon which you can see below. Biggest cannon I've ever seen!

We're staying here in Grimstad just for one night before returning to Oslo tomorrow. I can't believe our Norway time is coming to a close!

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