"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Friday, March 24, 2017

Beach Bums

We were some lazy beach bums today. We checked out Noumea's beaches and alternated walking around, swimming, and lounging. The beaches were nice but a little rocky, but that helped with the visibility as the water was very clear. The water was very warm as well. One interesting thing we noticed about the beaches is that there were like zero waves. I mean, it depended what side of the island you were on. But on the west side beach there were literally no waves. It was amazing. I've never seen an ocean so calm. If someone would've told me that it was just a big swimming pool I would've believed it. The south beach (where it's windier) had some small waves but hardly anything there either.

That was pretty much our day! We had a crepe snack at a waterside cafe this afternoon and we made spaghetti for dinner in our airbnb.

Maybe we'll get up the motivation to do something more energetic tomorrow. Maybe.


  1. Awww, sounds like a pretty great day to me! You need those down days.
    We have at least 6 in of snow! Were in shorts yesterday. Was hoping for a snuggle in snow day, but looks like sun is trying to come out.

    1. Wow, that's crazy! It's so hot here! 8:30 at night and it's still 82 degrees.
