"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bonjour de Nouvelle-Caledonie!

That's, hello from New Caledonia! We speak French here. Also, we're back to driving on the right side of the road!

Not much to report today since we spent most of the day traveling. Had to pack our bags up this morning and say goodbye to Jack as we're parting ways for a few days. He didn't have a lot of interest in coming to New Caledonia so we're going to meet back up with him in Tokyo in a few days.

We flew Aircalin over on the 3 hour flight and it was very nice. They served a full meal which was surprisingly good: beef stroganoff, a roll, some veggies, a piece of cake, and a tim-tam. No in-flight entertainment options as far as I was aware of but that was okay because I worked on my blog and then we watched "Orange is the new Black" on the iPad.

We landed and got through customs just fine and then met up with our pre-arranged transport which took us to our airbnb. It was quite a long drive, over an hour. Our airbnb hostess met us here and she was very nice. It's a small studio and she lives right above us. She showed us around and pointed out some POIs on a map for us. The best part of the place is that it's got a view of the ocean. :)

We had a quiet evening. We walked to the small grocery store and got some provisions for the next few days. We made it back right as it was dark so we decided to stay in for the evening. Which gave me a good chance to work on my blog and publish my Australia page! That's the link to it but you can also always find it under the "Destinations" tab at the top. Let me know what you think!

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