"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Chores and beaches, beaches and chores

I don't think anyone actually sleeps in cities. Because even the ones who are trying to can't because everyone else is being so noisy. Maybe you get used to it if you live there long enough. Maybe.

We started the day by doing laundry. Wohoo! The next task was to get groceries. Super exciting day! (Don't worry, it gets better) 

We started that by actually going to the Melbourne farmer's market which is only once a month so I thought it would be really big. Nope. We walked quite a ways in a non-direct route and finally get there and it's under 20 stands. I guess I'm spoiled with the Madison Farmer's Market, but I was underwhelmed. Anywho, I was hangry by that point so I bought the first ready-to-eat thing I could find (which was a challenge since most stands were selling raw meat or honey or raw vegetables). But I bee-lined to the bakery stand and bought a cronut. A cronut in theory is a cross between a croissant and a donut. Or at least that's what I thought I was getting But this one had a custard layers throughout and a ton of sugar. It was really rich and I don't like custard/cream filled things so it wasn't my best idea. I don't make good decisions when I'm hangry. 

But we walked around for a bit and Jack bought some eggs and some pears. Then we walked back to the apartment. We dropped off the goods and then went in search of a real grocery store. We went to Melbourne Central and found a mall with a couple of grocery stores in it. By this time I was hungry again so we stopped at the food court first (cause you shouldn't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, right?). This ended up being a pretty good decision cause I found some really good sushi for only $2.50/roll. So we all grabbed some food and were good to go.

The grocery store was cramped but eventually we found everything we were looking for. We got stuff to make breakfasts and lunches and a few different dinner options. We came back to the apartment and put the groceries away, then put our laundry away (always a bummer). Then we decided to go to the Melbourne South Bank. We went outside to catch the tram and decided it was too hot to walk around (it was in the upper 80s and not a cloud in the sky). So instead we went back into the apartment and changed into our bathing suits. Then we caught a different tram to the beach.

We went to St. Kilda beach. We hung out there for a few hours and had a great time. It's a beautiful beach. It's got a huge grass area where lots of people were playing frisbee or soccer or tossing a football around. Then it's got a really wide beach which was a pretty happenin' place as well. We found a clear area and set up there. The water was super clear and pretty warm. It was also very shallow with a very gradual incline; you could be pretty far out and still not very deep. So therefore there weren't a lot of waves either. It was just really nice to hang out and relax in the beautiful weather.

Around 6 o'clock we were starting to get hungry again so we caught the tram back to the apartment to make dinner. It was taco night in Melbourne! For us at least. 

I still haven't met our airbnb host. He came home late last night and talked to Jack for a bit who was out on the pull-out coach. He's supposedly a chef but he has hardly any food in the apartment other than instant noodles so I'm a bit skeptical (I'm sure he is- I'm just being silly. no need to worry, mom!)

I didn't take many pictures today but here's one from the beach!

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