"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Today we drove back to Oslo. Our first stop was Vineland Park, which is the world's largest sculpture park made by a single artist. Most of the pieces are his exploration of the human body. They were really interesting and pretty in their own way. It didn't hurt that it was a gorgeous day to be in the park, sunny and mid-60's. We didn't stay too long but long enough to check out the fountain, the main path lined with statues on both sides, and the strange human pillar at the top of the stairs.

Then we drove into more central Oslo and walked around for a few hours and saw lots of things. We started by walking by the royal palace and then we grabbed lunch along Karl Johans Gate (a popular street). Then we made our way over to the Akershus Fortress which we were able to walk around and explore a bit of it for free, but you have to pay to go actually inside the building itself. From there we went to Aker Brygge which is a cool area along the water with lots of restuarants. Then we went to check out city hall, which is called Rådhuset. Then we drove to Mathallen which was an indoor market type area.

Royal Palace:

Cool fountain along Karl Johans Gate:

At the Fortress;

We're staying at the same airbnb that we did when we first got to Oslo over a week ago so it was nice to know what to expect. After getting settled in we went to grab some dinner. We settled on a kebab place not far from where we were staying. Even though we all ordered the small size they all came out huge! They were really good.

Then tomorrow we go to the airport and fly to Iceland! And we part ways with mom since she goes back home. :( We've had so much fun and I can't believe our Norway time is already at a close! 

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