"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- Augustine of Hippo

Friday, June 16, 2017

Waterfalls to Vikedal

We got to sleep in a bit today and have a leisurely breakfast before checking out of our little cabin. Today the goal was to drive down to Vikedal which was about a 4 hour drive. We went through a lot of long tunnels but in between those we also saw some cool waterfalls. Our first stop though was by a fjord where we stopped at a picnic area for some sandwiches. You really don't have to look very far around here to find a very scenic lunch spot!

Then our first waterfall spot was at Låtefoss. We didn't even know about that one until we just drove by and saw it so we decided to stop. It was a pretty big waterfall which splits and rushes down two sides but then they join back together just before rushing under the bridge that we drove over. You get pretty wet standing on that bridge!

The second one we stopped at was Langfossen, which has been named by several sources to be one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls in the world! It flows down a mountain before joining into Åkrafjorden. There is also a hike there where one could hike all the way up to the top of the waterfall. We decided to hike up a bit and get some exercise but we turned around when the path became difficult to follow due to rushing water and slippery rocks. We were still able to see some great views over the fjord though.

Then we drove the rest of the way into Vikedal which is a tiny little town. We're staying in a house and we have the entire thing to ourselves! It's about a 5 second walk to the only restaurant in town and 10 seconds to the grocery store, so we were able to get some food and make dinner for ourselves. We made a chicken broccoli cheesy rice dish- yum!

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